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How Facebook went from Dorm Room Dream to Dominating Dynamo

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
To find out what made Facebook a success, you have to go back, back, back ... back to the beginning ...
Here at the Persaud Department of Facebook Archaeology, I've dug through the pottery shards of two-year-old websites to find ancient writings on the primitive Facebook, a site which I learned may actually predate the cavemen. The GEICO ones, at least.
Anyway, I've found out some interesting facts about Facebook’s early days that may shed some light on why it's such a success.

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How to Escape the Blackhole of Internet Obscurity

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
In a recent survey to determine how many websites were online, the internet service company Netcraft got responses from 118,023,363 sites. This year alone 12.8 million new websites have already been added. With those numbers it is easy to see why so many sites disappear into the blackhole of obscurity, let alone get anything resembling internet traffic.

Article marketing can raise your visibility and bring you tons of site traffic. It is important to get your articles out there but it is eq...

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Amazing Country we Live in!

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
We live in an amazing country, where; 1) Pizza home delivery is faster than Ambulance and Police services, 2) You get car Loan @ 18% and Education Loan @ 40%, 3) Rice is Rs. 90/KG but Bullet of Gun Rs30, 4) Shoes are sold in Air Conditioned Showrooms but Vegetables are sold on footpath, 5) Lemon Juice sold with artificial flavor and dishwash with real Lemon, 6) Our Leaders having fake degrees while educated are Jobless, 7) 70 % budget spent on defense but we cant stop terrorist attacks, Wha...

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Internet brings life revolution

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Internet brings life revolution
( 2003-11-12 10:50) (China Daily)

In mid-October, Bian Jing and Zhao Bin stepped out of the glass-walled rooms to breathe in some fresh air. They had been confined for 100 consecutive hours during an online survival challenge held in Beijing and each is rewarded with one Qinghua Uni-splendor laptop, the tool that had connected them with the real world.
Bian Jing, a contestant in the online survival challenge, says goodbye to her mother as her 100-hour confin...

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Somebody has to say it, or it will be too late.

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
In an interview conducted byThe Wall Street Journal, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen explained what prompted him to review his outlook on Pakistan, and how his “partnership approach” had “fallen short and would be difficult to revive”.“I am losing people, and I am just not going to stand for that,” Mullen toldWSJ. “I have been Pakistan’s best friend. What does it say when I am at that point? What does it say about where we are?”The report said that wh...

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An example of Customer Service!

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Customer Service is the employee's of an organization giving customer’s what they want. They need to provide the right products and the right service to all the customers and potential customers. The organization and its individuals provide products and services to meet the expectations of its customers. Customer Service applies to all types of customers, these include; individuals, groups, people from different cultures and people with specific needs. Customer service is important to the...

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Google Adsense Top Paying Keyword List

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Max CPC ($) Avg CPC ($) Keyword520.52 97.44 domains yahoo
418.63 79.81 domain name yahoo
145.71 68.91 dc hair laser removal washington
119.63 66.15 law lemon wisconsin
135.94 51.14 hair removal washington dc
493.73 41.97 domain registration yahoo
262.02 40.36 benchmark lending
438.23 38.05 domain yahoo
330.50 37.86 yahoo web hosting
121.86 37.29 hair laser removal virginia
121.27 36.59 peritoneal mesothelioma
46.38 36.55 ca lemon law
81.58 34.13 best buy gift card
96.87 31.10 adverse credit remortgage

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12 Effective Tips & Tricks to Maximize Google Adsense

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
The first name which comes to everyone while talking about PPC Program is Google adsense. It is by far is the most popular contextual advertising program used by publishers worldwide. It has variety of revenue generating programs starting from Pay per click ads, adsense for search, referrals for Firefox with Google toolbar, Picassa, Google Pack. But does everyone earn a lot from it? Many think that just copying and pasting the adsense code will fetch a huge amount of money, but that’s a m...

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Making money with Google Adsense

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Google adsense is a money generating tool if used smartly. Google adsense is a type of advertising opportunity offered by Google through which you can earn some money only if you own a website or a blog. 'Google ad sense' are the third party ads, 'ads by Google' which you can place on your website or blog.
Goggle adsense is of two types: 'content adsense' and 'search engine adsense'. In the content adsense, small ads labeled as 'ads by Google' with appear on the side of the page. You get pa...

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10 Things Before Building a Website

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
  1. Understand what you want. Too many businesses really don't know what they want from their website . Have you researched who your online customers are? Do you know what keywords they search for? Do you know what sites they visit? Do you know why they are looking for your site? If you don't, they you don't know what you want. You want happy customers. That's what you want (and hopefully more income as a result).
  2. It costs more and takes longer than you think.I can't count the number...

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Google Adsense success tips

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
There are not many things in the Internet Marketing world that you can wholly rely on. Following the advice of the 'experts' does not always yield success. In my experience though, there is one area of Internet business that can pretty reliably deliver results. And that is 'Traffic, Adsense, Money'. In other words, if you send traffic to a site with AdSense on it, you will get paid! The good bit is that you will get paid by Google, which means that the income source is reliable. There is no...

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AdSense Account Going To Be Closed

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
People crack me up sometimes... Some dude from Iran figured out how to make infinite free energy, and all he needs from me is $1,000/month or else he will close my AdSense account... :)
This is a warning and if you don’t pay attention to it you will suffer from bad turns.
All your income is through Google Adsense and if you do not cooperate with us we will stop this income source.
We would like you to pay us the total amount of USD 1000 each month.
This small amount ...

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Adsense ? The Powerful Passive Income Generator

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Webmasters have a revolutionary new method of collecting income from their websites.
Whereas in the past advertising revenue was reserved for those sites with large a coming and going of visitors, now even teenagers are making a quick buck with their online hobby blogs. People place adsense on their online family photo albums, their blogs and their business sites. The minimum you would get, even with a small amount of traffic, is for adsense to pay for your hosting costs.

Adsense revolutioni...

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The best 3 method to get high AdSense CTR

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
The best 3 method to get high AdSense CTR

There are so many ways people suggest on how to get a high CTR, andI've learned it for some time and try to put some methods into actionto make my CTR higher ..

And these are my best 3 method
1. Ad Units Placement : below the header, on the top of left side bar and inside the articles.
2. Focus on a few keyword
3. Content 'fine tuning' - to make ads highly related to the main keywords and page content.

What about you? please share your best method to ge...

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Earnings From Revenue Sharing

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Hi, I want to give you some ideas where you can earn additional revenue from sharing videos, post blogs, etc. Seems that revenue share is a new trend online - as a business model applied to forums, blogs, news, and video communities.Mostly, this is applied in a combination with Google AdSense contextual advertising. Main idea is simple - all advertising revenue from site is splits between owners and active community members. So where are the opportunities for sharers:Of course, here, at Fli...

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Free real trtraffic generators for your website

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
This is not only for your .com domain only.If you know then your flixya account is also can promote this link through these free traffic generatorsLooking to increase the daily flow of traffic to your sites? Get your websites and business opportunities in front of thousands of pairs of fresh eyes each and every day. Join for free; receive unlimited free traffic when you surf and view other peoples' pages. Autosurfing is a fast, reliable, and practically ef...

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The Mystery of Rohan Rathore

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
It’s a story that would touch anyone’s heart — Rohan Rathore, an IIT-Guwahati student, loved a girl who didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He composed a heart-wrenching number for her and died of cancer 15 days later. The song, titled Emptiness, became a rage online, with around 15 lack views and eight dedicated Facebook groups with thousands of fans. However, there is a hitch. Apparently, Rohan Rathore does not exist. Gajendra Verma, a 21-year-old sound recordist from Mumbai, says th...

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Facebook – The Complete Biography

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Facebook is the second largest social network on the web, behind only MySpacein terms of traffic. Primarily focused on high school to college students, Facebook has been gaining market share, and more significantly a supportive user base. Since their launch in February 2004, they’ve been able to obtain over 8 million users in the U.S. alone and expand worldwide to 7 other English-speaking countries, with more to follow. A growing phenomenon, let’s discover Facebook. The Facebook Phenomeno...

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Valentine Party Favors or Gifts for Co-Workers

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
If time is getting short and you need to come up with party favors or "just a little something" to use a Valentine's Day gifts, then head to your local dollar store (or Walgreens) for a few simple items and a couple of bags of individually wrapped candies. Use these to make colorful party favors, place settings, or tokens of your appreciation for the hard work of your staff.Since not all dollar stores will have the same items, here is what you are looking for: small baskets, cups, buckets, dr...

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13 Steps to Successful Blogging

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Friday, October 7, 2011,
Blogs can be a very marketable and very profitable tool if used correctly. Profiting from blogs is just a matter of grabbing the attention of an audience and not doing any actual salesmen selling. In this article you will learn the 13 most essential steps to successful blogging.

1) Where to start?
You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service such as Journal Home. I don't say that because I'm the owner, but a free blog host is very rewarding for a new blog. Starting with a free b...

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Make Money Blogging

Posted by Waqas Maqsood on Thursday, October 6, 2011,

You have created a blog and your blog is dedicated to a niche industry. Have you ever thought that the blog could make money for you? We would look here in this article, ways and means, to make money blogging. Lets first have a look at what are the prerequisites for a blog needed to make money: 1. Blog needs to be dedicated to a niche market.
2. Updated regularly.
3. Enough back links (Don't worry for it. Directory submission would be enough to begin with)
4. Good blog host or application...

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